Stuckey, SC - Henrytown Water Connections

The installation of thirty-three (33) water service to LMI residents of the Henrytown area. Water services will include connection to the water meter, service line from meter to existing water line connecting the well to the residences, connection to existing service line from water well and capping existing residential service line between the service connection point and well. Project will also include restoration of damaged roadways, driveways, and lawns, etc.
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Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 6/25/24 2:00pm
Bid Date 7/23/24 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

AECOM Technical Services, Inc
Jennifer M. Ruiz Suarez  


Stuckey, SC

For information regarding this project please contact:

David Hunt

Each bidder must deposit security in the amount and form specified in the Information for Bidders.

Other qualification or bid requirements include:

This project is being funded in whole or in part by the Community Development Block