Raleigh, NC - Spottswood Street Stormwater Control Measure Retrofit and Durant Nature Preserve

The project shall involve the retrofit of a stormwater detention basin and the restoration of a stream channel and bypass channel downstream of the basin. The work will involve removing trees, replacing the basin’s outlet structure, installing an automated valve on the outlet structure, constructing a retaining wall, replacing inlet pipes and constructing forebays, rebuilding an embankment, establishing a bypass channel, filling a headcut, excavating a new step-pool and riffle-pool stream channel, rerouting a pedestrian trail, and installing pedestrian bridges. The work will include providing traffic control and pedestrian safety around the work area during all phases of the project. Also, the work will include providing and maintaining erosion and sediment control as per the State- and City-approved erosion and sediment control plan
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Bidding Closed

Prebid Date6/11/24 8:00am

Bid Date7/9/24 3:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Raleigh
Kyle Bucher  


Raleigh, NC

For information regarding this project please contact:

Kyle Bucher of the City’s Stormwater Management Division by email at Kyle.Bucher@raleighnc.gov or by calling (919)996-4068.